J. Zachary Pike's

Blog of the Strange and Fantastic

Fiction, Gaming & Writing

News and Announcements

New Book: A Song of Three Spirits

A man kicking up his feet with a cozy holiday mug and an e-reader loaded up with A Song of Three Spirits

Happy Mordo Ogg’s Day! The biggest holiday of the year is upon us! I am, of course, referring to Mordo Ogg’s Day, Arth’s celebration of life (especially the bit at the end.)

You may be wondering how to properly celebrate Mordo Ogg’s Day.  Don’t worry; it can be observed in the same way modern people mark any holy day set aside for reverence and reflection: by purchasing new stuff. Fortunately, we have you covered there. Today I’ve released A Song of Three Spirits, the first novella set on Arth! Grab your copy today!

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Arth Lore

Arth’s Pantheon: The Creation of Arth

A starry universe. Text reads: Arth's Pantheon: Arth's Creation

This is part of a series examining the gods and powers that shape life on Arth. If you’re new to the series, get started with an overview.

Arth’s pantheon was essentially a celestial administration that the Creator had left in charge once He decided that His work was good, or at least good enough. Like middle management everywhere, the gods seemed to be mostly concerned with petty conflicts and power struggles. They fought endlessly over believers, and money, and status, and the best temples, and anything else that gods typically want.

Orconomics, Chapter 3

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