J. Zachary Pike's

Blog of the Strange and Fantastic

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Audiophiles Rejoice!

Dragonfired released in ebook format last summer, heralding much rejoicing and many enthusiastic reviews. But something, as many of you have pointed out, was missing. Something worth listening to. Something… audible, perhaps?

Well, not for long.

I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve partnered with Audible Studios to publish the audiobooks The Dark Profit Saga. We reached an agreement last year, but I’ve held off on announcing it until we could definitively say that the audiobook of Dragonfired will launch on March 19, 2024.

Don’t worry; Doug Tisdale Jr. returns to narrate the epic conclusion of the Dark Profit Saga. And the first two books you know and love are unchanged in substance or recording; I just have a new publisher for the audio format.

Want to know when Dragonfired is on Audible, or any other cool audiobooks I’m currently working on? The best way is to follow me on my Audible Author Page. Happy listening!

2 thoughts on “Audiophiles Rejoice!”

  1. Johan says:

    Excellent news, been waiting for this! And as soon as the trilogy is out in normal print channels, I’ll get it too. (The international shipping for the kickstarter project unfortunately made it a non-starter for me…)

  2. Vincent says:

    I guess I now know what I’ll be doing over the next week and a half: relistening to the first two books in the series in anticipation of the Dragonfired’s audible release. What wonderful news!

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