J. Zachary Pike's

Blog of the Strange and Fantastic

Fiction, Gaming & Writing

News and Announcements

What Now?

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s a good time to sit back, reflect on the year we just had, feel gratitude for all the good in my life, and ask that timeless question: what now?

I’ll spare the broader internet my personal feelings and notes of gratitude, and get right to the bit that most people visiting this website care about: namely, the status of my various projects. AKA: What the heck am I working on next?

The Dragonfired Audiobook

Many fans of the Dark Profit Saga are eagerly awaiting the debut of the audiobook of Dragonfired. On that front, I am afraid I can only provide insights that, while ultimately good, are also vague and—in an immediate sense—unsatisfactory.

As is often the case in publishing, I’m not yet at liberty to discuss much about the audio rights to the Dark Profit Saga. What I can say is the following:

  • Doug Tisdale Jr. will (in fact, did) narrate Dragonfired.
  • Despite my statements earlier this year about the Dragonfired audio release, the audiobook will not release in 2023
  • I am very excited to share some news with you early in 2024. It is good news for the Dark Profit Saga. I’m asking you to trust me on this point, despite my previous inaccuracy. 
  • That said, I recognize that delays are never fun as a fan. I apologize for them; please forgive my miscommunication and inaccuracies.

The Kickstarter

The Kickstarter for the hardcover and paperback editions of The Dark Profit Saga is rolling forward apace, and as far as I can tell the books will be delivered spring of next year. I shared some of the assets in a Kickstarter update this week. Did you miss the Kickstarter campaign? You can still get the books through the late-pledge store, but time is limited!

Digital Hygiene

My online presence and my post-holiday living room look much the same right now, in that it is clear that a good time was once had here; but now things are pretty stale and in desperate need of some cleanup. In the case of my living room, it’s mostly candy wrappers and maybe an odd sock or two. In my digital presence:

  • I need to get a blog post up (check!)
  • The Dark Profit Saga should be made available in other digital stores as they’re no longer Kindle Unlimited exclusives. 
  • I need to update the Progress Tracker on my website, which still says I’m working on publishing Dragonfired. And if you count the kickstarter and audio work above, I am. But… you know… what next?

The Next Book(s)

I have a couple of ideas in the works for my next book. One is for a standalone set after the Dark Profit Saga starring one of its main characters. Another is a new series set on Arth with a new batch of characters. Both ideas have pros and cons, and I’d like to write about them both someday. The question of which comes first will likely come down to feasibility of writing quickly and some business indicators. I’m entering a new phase of my author journey, wherein the prospect of going full time is less “gosh-that’d-be-nice-someday” and more “if-I-play-my-cards-right…”  That’s not to say I’ll be quitting my day job anytime in the immediate future; more that I envision a world where I can make the jump if I can make some smart decisions now, and it’s not too far-fetched.

Ah, precious hope.

Thank You

I want to wrap up 2023 with a note of unadulterated gratitude for you, my readers. My publishing journey has had its ups and downs over the years, but for those of you who have stuck by me it’s been amazing. And while there’s still plenty of uncertainty about what the future holds, I’m excited for what it could bring. Thanks for sticking with me.

2 thoughts on “What Now?”

  1. Jordan S says:

    Would we happen to have an update? I don’t want to bug you anymore than you already have been but I am very excited for the conclusion to this trilogy.

  2. Spencer Thayer says:

    Thank you for finishing the trilogy. I would enjoy more books from this world.

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